
Pixa Software Mar 2020 - Jan 2022

What did i do as a software developer for Pixa Software?

  • Developed Pixa Software's APIs
  • Developed, made improvements and made debugging of Marketplace, E-commerce, ERP, several XML and cargo integrations (within Pixa Lab)
  • Made improvements and made debugging of front-end side of the Pixa Lab project with Vue.js 2
  • Made notification infastructure for Pixa Lab project with Websocket (Socket.io) technology
  • Developed Pixa Translate service with GraphQL technology and MongoDB NoSQL database (includes Google Translate and Yandex Translate integrations)
  • Developed usage logger and monitoring tool for Pixa Lab servers
  • Developed up state checker tool for Pixa Lab servers (both back-end and front-end with admin panel)
  • Developed content delivery network project (CDN) for the storing and serving customer images for Pixa Lab project
  • Developed Ticket System to Pixa Lab project for customers (with Vue.js 2, back-end service, Jira Issue integration etc.)
  • Deployed back-end and front-end projects with using AWS, Ubuntu Server, Nginx, Cloudflare and PM2 tools
  • Used MySQL, MongoDB and Redis databases. I mostly used TypeScript language, but sometimes i used JavaScript also. I used Sequelize as ORM tool
  • During my work time, we worked in agile system with Jira Software and used Slack Software for communication
  • Alongside improvements, i spent high debugging effort

Used Technologies

JavaScriptTypeScriptNode.jsExpress.jsVue.jsSocket.ioGitGraphQLMySQLMongoDBRedisSequelizeAWS EC2NginxUbuntu ServerPM2
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